
What is Technical SEO? The Nerdy Side of Making Your Website Shine!

Let’s face it, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is already a mystical forest of acronyms and jargon. Just when you thought you had a handle on keywords and backlinks, someone drops “Technical SEO” into the conversation. Don’t worry, we’re here to demystify it with a sprinkle of humor and a dash of sarcasm.

What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO refers to optimizing your website for the crawling and indexing phase. Think of it as making your website so irresistible that search engines like Google can’t help but notice it. It’s the nerdy stuff behind the scenes that ensures your site is fast, functional, and fabulous.

Why is Technical SEO Important?

Imagine you’ve opened the best restaurant in town, but your doors are locked, your phone is disconnected, and there’s no sign to show you’re open. That’s your website without Technical SEO. You might have the best content, but if search engines can’t access it, it’s like shouting into the void.

How Can Digital Nar Help?

Here at Digital Nar, we specialize in turning your digital presence from a damp squib into a firework display. Here’s how we do it:

Key Elements of Technical SEO

1. Site Speed

In the age of instant gratification, if your site loads slower than a teenager getting out of bed, you’re in trouble. A slow site can turn visitors away faster than you can say “bounce rate.”

How to Improve It:

Optimize Images: Use the right formats (like WebP), compress files, and avoid gigantic images that take ages to load. TinyPNG is a great tool for image compression.

Use a CDN: Content Delivery Networks can speed up load times by serving your site from servers closer to your visitors. Cloudflare is a popular choice.

Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML: Strip out unnecessary characters to make your code cleaner and faster. Minify Code can help with this.

Example: Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool can help you identify areas where your site is dragging its feet.

2. Mobile-Friendliness

More people are browsing on their phones than ever before. If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, it’s like opening a café that only serves coffee in beer mugs – it just doesn’t work.

How to Improve It:

Responsive Design: Ensure your site adjusts seamlessly to any screen size.

Mobile Usability: Test and fix issues that make it hard to navigate on smaller screens. Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test can show you how mobile-friendly your site is.

3. XML Sitemaps

Think of XML sitemaps as the GPS for search engines. They help search engines find and index your content efficiently.

How to Improve It:

Generate an XML Sitemap: Include all relevant URLs and update it regularly. Tools like Yoast SEO for WordPress can generate sitemaps automatically.

Submit to Search Engines: Make sure Google and Bing know where to find your sitemap. You can submit your sitemap through Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools.


Would you trust a website with your credit card info if the URL started with “http://”? Didn’t think so. HTTPS is crucial for security and SEO.

How to Improve It:

Install an SSL Certificate: This encrypts data between your site and its visitors, providing that comforting padlock icon in the address bar. Let’s Encrypt offers free SSL certificates.

5. Structured Data

Structured data helps search engines understand your content better, making it eligible for rich snippets (those fancy extra bits of info you see in search results).

How to Improve It:

Use Schema Markup: Add code to your site that provides additional context about your content (like reviews, ratings, or event dates). offers a plethora of markup types to choose from.

Technical SEO Audit

A technical SEO audit is like a health check-up for your website. At Digital Nar, we can perform a thorough audit to identify and fix issues that could be holding you back. Here’s what’s included:

1. Crawl Analysis: We’ll use tools like Screaming Frog to crawl your site and find errors, redirects, and duplicate content.

2. Speed Test: Using tools like GTmetrix and Google PageSpeed Insights, we’ll measure and improve your site’s speed.

3. Mobile-Friendliness Check: We’ll ensure your site is responsive and easy to use on mobile devices.

4. Security Check: We’ll verify your site is secure and HTTPS-compliant.

5. Indexing Issues: We’ll make sure search engines can find and index your pages without issues.

Real-World Example: AMJ Campbell

Let’s look at AMJ Campbell, one of our clients, as a case study. When AMJ Campbell came to us, their website needed a serious overhaul to compete in the moving industry. Here’s what we did:


• Outdated design and slow load times.

• Unoptimized images causing lag.

• No CDN in place.

• Poor site structure with many broken links.

• Legacy pages needed 301 redirects.

• Content was stale and lacked strong internal and external links.

Solutions Implemented:

Fresh Design: We revamped the site with a modern, user-friendly design.

Code Optimization: We cleaned up the code to ensure the site ran smoothly and efficiently.

Image Optimization: All images were compressed and optimized to reduce load times.

CDN Implementation: We utilized a CDN to ensure fast load times for all visitors, no matter their location.

Clear Structure: We restructured the site for better navigation and user experience.

301 Redirects: Implemented 301 redirects for legacy pages to maintain SEO value.

Content Overhaul: Created fresh content with a robust internal and external link structure.


100% Health Score: The site now boasts a perfect health score and passes Google Speed Test with flying colors, making it the only website in the moving industry to achieve such results.

Traffic Increase: Traffic increased by 160% over two years.

Sales Boost: Sales went up by 60% from 2021 to now.

You can see the results for yourself at AMJ Campbell.


Technical SEO might sound like the stuff of tech wizards, but it’s crucial for making your website accessible, fast, and user-friendly. Without it, you’re just another beautiful site lost in the digital wilderness. At Digital Nar, we’ve got the expertise to ensure your website doesn’t just sit pretty but performs like a rockstar.

So, ready to make your website the talk of the town? Get in touch with Digital Nar, and let’s get your site in tip-top shape. After all, who doesn’t want a website that’s fast, functional, and fabulous?