Case studies / 

AMJ – Thank You Campaign

Making happy moments since 1934. #ThanksFromAMJ


1,000,000 stories and counting. A lot can happen in 87 years. In AMJ Campbell’s case, they grew from 1 location to 29, from 4 team members to over 2,500, and from 1 city to 28. Over that time, they helped move mom-and-pop businesses and mega companies, newlyweds and empty nesters, first-time buyers and first-time renters, and pretty much everyone in between. Recognizing that they wouldn’t be where they are today without the 1,000,000+ people who chose them, AMJ wanted to say a big thank you to their customers and share how honoured they were to be a part of so many life stories.

AMJ Campbell wouldn’t be where they were today without their customers. Their customers have opened their doors (literally!) to AMJ, allowing them to be a part of so many major life milestones: the births of their first child, the purchase of their first home, the purchase of that dream vacation home, downsizing as they started their next chapter as empty nesters. Now in their 84th year, AMJ wanted to take a moment to say thanks for being included in so many life journeys.


GOAL #1:
Build/reinforce awareness of the AMJ brand amongst customers and non-customers, using a multi-channel platform approach.
GOAL #2:
Build engagement with the AMJ brand by having people liking, sharing, clicking and watching videos.
GOAL #3:
Learn more about the core AMJ audience to build relevant future campaigns. Our in-depth reporting metrics would help us precisely target potential customers for the future.


Young families – 25-35. Newly married, on their way up career-wise, starting their families, need more space/can now afford more space so have recently purchased a home.
Young urban professionals – 25-35. May be single or married, well on their way up the corporate ladder, can now afford to purchase a home.
Families – 40-60. Teenage kids, have hit their stride at their careers, can now afford to upsize/buy that vacation property/may be relocating for advancement at work.
Empty nesters – 60-70. Kids have moved out, house is now too big, downsizing to condos, moving to second home- away-from-home somewhere south.


This is not a sales message. Huh? Yep, we created a “Thank you” spot that was a heartfelt, feel-good brand awareness spot instead. This highly charged, emotional message is something like what you’d expect from a company like Air Canada, Westjet or Tim Horton’s. At the crux of it is a message of thanks to customers for the past 84 years, built into a story of new beginnings and cherished moments. We follow a family of three moving into their first home, while expecting a second child. As they say goodbye to their old home, we feel their young son’s tug of emotions between staying and leaving. Thanks to a quick-thinking AMJ mover, the youngster’s welcome into his new home turns into a warm one.


Overall, the campaign drove strong performance for AMJ Campbell by targeting qualified customers using a robust prospecting strategy (moving, real estate related interests, life event targeting, behavioural and broad audiences) coupled with a winning combination of retargeting efforts to encourage site visitation and lead generation.
• Creative played a pivotal role in the success of the campaign. Video engagement metrics were 2X the industry benchmark (10% vs the norm of 5%).
• Compelling 60s video creative was strategically used to introduce and drive home the brand message of AMJ Campbell‘s services.
Shorter video cut downs of the 60s video (15s & 11s) aided in driving incremental reach, extending the brand messaging further. Statics images were introduced for re-targeting efforts to drive website visits. Platform cuidity based on performance was crucial as we bought Facebook and Instagram together, allowing for more cuidity between the platforms to target users where they visit most – while keeping our costs efficient.
In total the campaign drove 797,330 video plays, a Cost per Video View of $0.03, and a Video Completion Rate of 7.57%.


Display: Display: Standard static images were strategically placed across websites and publishers such as CBC and Global News. The Display campaign was able to reach 1.5MM unique users while delivering 3.51MM impressions, with an overall CPM of $3.70. There were also 36 total content entries directly attributed to the tactics used, at a cost per sign up of $361.

OLV & YouTube: 16×9 pre roll videos with varied lengths were placed across websites and publishers.

By coupling Video and YouTube channels with Display, we were able to reach an incremental 200K users through the addition of more messaging touchpoints. By using both skippable (gives users an option to bypass an ad) and non-skippable formats, we were able to balance effective reach with user choice.

YouTube ended with a completion rate of 91% while online video finished at 72%, both above industry benchmark of 65%.


Executive Producer / Music Production: Evren Ozdemir

Director/ Cinematographer: Elijah Merchand

Camera Assist: Jurek Osterfeld

Producer/ Assistant Director: Courteney Brookes

Editor/ Colourist: Alex Coleman, Elijah Merchand

Content: Deidre Plotnick

VFX: Matt Servo

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