Hassan Shahriar


As our Chief Financial Officer, Hassan bridges the world of finance with our agency’s digital endeavors. With a solid foundation in renewable energy projects, he brings a unique perspective to financial management, focusing on sustainability and efficiency. His expertise in navigating complex financial landscapes helps ensure that our agency remains competitive and forward-thinking in the ever-evolving digital market.

Hassan’s approach is deeply influenced by his background in project development and his commitment to practical solutions, which he applies diligently to manage our finances and strategic investments. When he’s not balancing budgets or forecasting our financial future, Hassan enjoys exploring the great outdoors, an interest that enhances his dedication to sustainability both professionally and personally.

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Join our NOMAD team

At our remote-first digital agency, we’ve come to realize a profound truth: diversity, equity, and inclusion aren’t just buzzwords—they actually make everything (including our coffee) taste better! We’re big on that whole work-life balance jazz too. Flexible hours? Check. Competitive pay? You bet. Health insurance, retirement contributions, parental and sabbatical leave, plus ongoing education to keep your brain as fit as your fantasy football team? Absolutely.

We’re constantly on the hunt for people who are as passionate about their work as they are about not wearing real pants during conference calls. So, if you’re a creative or technical wizard—or even just a muggle who’s really good at pretending—shoot over your resume to sayhi@digitalnar.com. Let’s make some magic happen, and yes, we do mean the work kind (but hey, Hogwarts resumes are welcome too)!