Exploring the Blockchain Platform


Corda is an open-source blockchain platform tailored for business transactions, offering a high level of privacy and direct interaction capabilities. Developed by the R3 consortium, which includes major financial institutions, Corda specializes in enabling companies to construct interoperable blockchain networks that use smart contracts to ensure privacy, reduce costs, and streamline operations. While originally developed for the financial sector, Corda’s application has broadened to include various industries.

Core Features of Corda:

  • Privacy by Design: Corda ensures that transactions are private, with data accessible only to the relevant parties.
  • Smart Contract Infrastructure: Employs smart contracts to automate and enforce business agreements, securely embedding them in digital code within transparent databases.
  • Interoperability: Corda is crafted to facilitate seamless interaction among diverse network participants, enhancing communication and transaction fluidity.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Features a compliance framework tailored to the stringent requirements of financial institutions and other regulated entities.
  • Flow Framework: Provides essential tools that simplify the development of complex logic and workflows in Corda applications, aiding developers in crafting sophisticated decentralized applications (DApps).

How Can Corda Benefit Your Blockchain Project?

  • Streamlined Business Processes: Corda’s use of smart contracts automates business agreements, reducing manual processes and paperwork for more streamlined operations.
  • Enhanced Privacy and Security: Corda prioritizes privacy, ensuring that sensitive business information is disclosed only to authorized parties, which minimizes the risk of breaches.
  • Compliance and Regulation: Designed for regulated industries, Corda helps companies comply with legal and regulatory standards easily.
  • Network of Networks: Corda enhances the creation of interoperable blockchain networks, facilitating a globally connected and efficient business ecosystem.

Popular Alternatives to Corda:

  • Hyperledger Fabric: A versatile enterprise-focused blockchain platform offering modular architecture and enhanced privacy features, suitable for various industrial applications.
  • Ethereum: Known for its broad adoption, Ethereum offers both public and private network capabilities with extensive smart contract functionalities, suitable for diverse enterprise needs.
  • Quorum: A permissioned variant of Ethereum, designed to provide superior privacy and performance features for enterprise blockchain solutions.

Pros and Cons of Corda vs. Main Alternatives:


  • Focuses on privacy and direct transactions, ideal for financial and sensitive business operations.
  • Designed for interoperability and meets strict regulatory compliance needs.
  • Provides a developer-friendly environment with tools like the Flow Framework for easier DApp development.


  • While versatile, it is primarily seen as a financial sector solution, which may limit its use in other industries.
  • Involves a learning curve due to its unique approach to blockchain technology and smart contracts.
  • May not offer the full decentralization that some public blockchain networks provide.

Our expertise

How we use Corda

API Development

Design – Integration – Management

Digital Nar specializes in crafting, integrating, and overseeing APIs, facilitating flawless interactions among various software elements and services to develop strong and scalable web solutions.

Full Stack Engineering

Frontend – Backend – Systems

Our full stack engineering offerings include comprehensive frontend and backend development, coupled with system integration, delivering holistic and effective web solutions.

UI/UX Design

User Research – Interface Design – Usability Testing

At Digital Nar, our UI/UX design approach is built around thorough user research, crafting intuitive interfaces, and detailed usability testing to develop designs that are centered on user needs, enhancing both engagement and conversions.

Infrastructure and DevOps

Systems Architecture – Automation – CI/CD

Our group excels in infrastructure and DevOps, focusing on solid system architecture, efficient deployment automation, and ongoing integration to enhance operational performance.

Jamstack Development

Secure – Performant – Scalable

Digital Nar adopts the Jamstack approach to contemporary web development, emphasizing speed enhancement and static site creation for quicker, safer website experiences.

More technologies

Check out the tech tricks up our sleeve.

Beyond Corda, Digital Nar leverages a variety of technologies to enhance our digital solutions. We use platforms like Ethereum for broader blockchain applications, Hyperledger for enterprise solutions, and Quorum for enhanced security features. Each technology is chosen to ensure optimal performance and integration tailored to our clients’ diverse needs.


Tips, tactics and useful insights

Every team member at our digital agency is dedicated to mastering, enhancing, and sharing their knowledge in their respective areas of expertise.