What is Sanity CMS?


Sanity CMS is a headless content management system that empowers developers to create, manage, and deliver content for web and mobile applications. It features a customizable editing environment, real-time collaboration, and a robust API for content fetching and manipulation. Designed for flexibility and extensibility, Sanity allows developers to craft custom content models and workflows to meet specific project needs.

Core Features of Sanity CMS:

  • Customizable Editing Environment: Sanity CMS offers a tailored editing experience, enabling developers to align the CMS with project and team requirements.
  • Real-time Collaboration: Sanity supports real-time collaboration, allowing content creators to work simultaneously and view each other’s changes instantly.
  • API-driven Content Delivery: Sanity provides a powerful API for content fetching and manipulation, facilitating seamless integration with web and mobile applications.
  • Extensibility: Sanity is built for flexibility, supporting custom content models, plugins, and integrations to suit unique project needs.

How Can Sanity CMS Help Your Website?

  • Streamlined Content Management: Sanity’s customizable editing environment simplifies content management and updates for web and mobile applications.
  • Improved Collaboration: Real-time collaboration features enhance teamwork, reducing errors and miscommunication among content creators.
  • Flexibility and Extensibility: Sanity’s flexible architecture allows for custom content models and workflows, enabling efficient and tailored content management.

Popular Alternatives to Sanity CMS:

  • Contentful: A headless CMS with a powerful API and customizable editing environment for managing content across platforms.
  • Strapi: An open-source headless CMS based on Node.js, offering flexible content models and a robust API.
  • Prismic: A headless CMS with a user-friendly interface, powerful API, and support for custom content types and templates.

Pros and Cons of Sanity CMS vs. Main Alternatives:


  • Tailored editing environment for content creators.
  • Real-time collaboration for improved teamwork.
  • Flexible and extensible architecture.
  • Powerful API for web and mobile content integration.


  • Potentially higher cost for large content projects.
  • Steeper learning curve compared to traditional CMS options.

Resources about Sanity CMS

  1. Official Sanity CMS documentation
  2. Sanity CMS GitHub repository
  3. Comparing Sanity CMS and Contentful
  4. Building a Blog with Sanity CMS and Next.js

Our expertise

How we use Sanity

Ecommerce Platforms

Platform Selection – Customization – Optimization

Digital Nar specializes in carefully choosing, tailoring, and enhancing ecommerce platforms to deliver smooth shopping experiences, boost conversion rates, and propel sales growth.

Jamstack Development

Secure – Performant – Scalable

Digital Nar adopts the Jamstack approach to contemporary web development, emphasizing speed enhancement and static site creation for quicker, safer website experiences.

UI/UX Design

User Research – Interface Design – Usability Testing

At Digital Nar, our UI/UX design approach is built around thorough user research, crafting intuitive interfaces, and detailed usability testing to develop designs that are centered on user needs, enhancing both engagement and conversions.

Digital Strategy

Branding – Positioning – Content Marketing

We create and execute holistic digital strategies that emphasize strategic planning, digital innovation, and thorough market analysis to foster growth and boost your online presence.


Messaging Strategy – Writing – Brand Voice

Our copywriting proficiency involves creating a strategic messaging framework, producing captivating content, and maintaining a uniform brand voice to engage and convert your target audience.

More technologies

Our Technology Stack with Sanity CMS

n addition to Sanity CMS, we utilize Next.js for server-side rendering, Tailwind CSS for styling, and Vercel for deployment. Our technology stack ensures efficient content management, seamless performance, and scalable solutions for web and mobile applications.


Tips, tactics and useful insights

Every team member at our digital agency is dedicated to mastering, enhancing, and sharing their knowledge in their respective areas of expertise.